Private WAN to connect multiple sites using WireGuard

Hello all!

Today I wanted to share how I made my network, connecting together my base LAN at my flat together with other devices outside it and other sites, or virtual locations.

Picture on the right shows map of target network that will be finished soon, for now I’m lacking few elements. The map is centered around my WnekoTank Rover project, so it’s also missing many elements, but general topology is there and I’ll cover all the details in following descriptions of each part.

I decided on such “star” architecture as, first of all, I have static IP address at my flat, so it’s easy to configure all “clients” to connect to it, and also makes configuration easier, all other devices have to route local traffic just here and only here is it spread around. Configuring it in a “mesh” would be just much more complicated, as for example to connect from laptop (on mobile connection) to my Rover would require checking public IP first and changing configuration accordingly, or using some DDNS service, also each device would need to have separate WireGuard and routing configuration for each other device. Compared to that having central hub with static public IP makes everything much easier.

Read more “Private WAN to connect multiple sites using WireGuard”

Video surveillance through router

How I configured my OpenWRT router with web camera to have real time video feed

Hello everyone and thanks for reading my first post here!

Today I decided I want to finally try connecting webcam to my router to get additional video surveillance possibilities, here are some notes on configuring everything to work. Main purpose is just to remember what i did for future – but if someone will find it useful then even better 🙂

I’m renting flat alone for the first time – before I always had room- or flatmates. Of course having your own apartment has a lot of advantages, but there are also some obvious drawbacks.

Read more “Video surveillance through router”